Mission Statements

Our Vision 

An equal and fair society where every woman can live a full and rewarding life. 

Our Purpose 

To work holistically with women in trauma-informed, inclusive safe spaces to enable them to thrive.

Our Impact 

Women recognise and use our individual and collective strengths so we can live full and rewarding lives. 

Our Values

  • Openness
    We approach every woman with an open mind and an open heart. We build trusting relationships where every woman can be completely herself.
  • Strength
    Our team must be strong, to fight the inequality we see around us. And we need to help women build their own inner strength, so that they can go on to live independent, rewarding and happy lives. This also strengthens the people and the society around them.
  • Equality
    We care equally about every woman, and every team member. And we believe passionately in building a society where every individual is treated equally, regardless of their gender. 

As an accredited trauma-informed organisation, we ensure the Trauma-Informed Core Values are informing every area of our work. 

These are: Trust, Choice, Collaboration, Safety and Empowerment.