About Us
We work with many of the most marginalised women across Sussex, including women who are homeless or insecurely housed, women involved in the criminal justice system, survivors of abuse and discrimination, elderly women, women on low incomes, living in poverty and those struggling with long-term mental and physical health conditions.
A large proportion of our clients live with multiple disadvantage. All of them have experienced trauma, with a very high number having experienced domestic violence either as a child or adult.
We help women with accommodation, health and well-being, finances, childcare and early years education and social connections through casework, drop-ins, outreach, group work, one-to-one support, referrals and signposting, working with women in a trauma-informed way.
By placing women at the heart of our services at BWC, we ensure that every woman is:
Find out more about our vision for the future of supporting women in Sussex in our new Strategic Business Plan.
Meet The Team
BWC employs a team of 40 members of full and part time staff. The core staff members are supported by an invaluable team of 30 volunteers.
Mission Statements
Our Vision
An equal and fair society where every woman can live a full and rewarding life.
Our History
The story of Brighton Women’s Centre is an amazing tale of tenacity, strength, commitment and, most of all … survival.