Could you fill a hungry tummy this Christmas?

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Many women in Brighton are finding it difficult to feed themselves and their families.

This time of year is especially difficult as many are forced to choose between heating their homes and feeding their children.

Your support could help provide emergency food to everyone who needs it, including the mothers who are missing meals so they can feed their children.

With more families relying on our foodbank we’re raising money to provide emergency food so that families don’t go hungry this Christmas.

Your donation could help fill an empty tummy this Christmas.


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    How your donation could help:

  • £5 could pay for fruit and vegetables for 10 days for 1 household.
  • £10 could pay for three days of store cupboard essentials for one family.
  • £25 could provide a week’s worth of food, toiletries and menstrual products for one woman.
  • £50 could provide a large family with enough food to eat for two weeks.
  • £75 could provide a week’s worth of food, toiletries and menstrual products for three women.
  • £110 could train four volunteers to provide specialist support to women accessing our foodbank.


BWC’s foodbank provides food and support to women in crisis in Brighton.

Our foodbank is over capacity. Due to the cost of living crisis, more families than ever are relying on our foodbank and we need to raise funds to buy additional food to ensure we’re not forced to turn anyone away.

Women can use the BWC foodbank for as long as they need to without having to explain their circumstances. We deliver to women who cannot come to the foodbank due to disability or illness.

We need your support. Your donation could help families struggling to feed themselves this Christmas.

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Do you require support from our foodbank?

Find out more about our Support Services here.