Care Not Custody

Out of Court Diversion for women

Inspire's white star icon

Care Not Custody offers women in Sussex who come into contact with the Criminal Justice System the opportunity to engage in one-to-one support with a female Caseworker from BWC (Brighton Women’s Centre ). We offer a safe space for women to explore issues they feel are relevant to a fulfilling life free from re-offending.

Out of Court Diversion

An Out of Court Diversion is an option that Police can issue as an alternative to being charged in court for an offence. Instead of going to court, the person who has been arrested is ‘diverted’ to a supportive scheme run in the community. Successful Out of Court diversions address the reasons people offend and seek to avoid further offending.

When a woman receives a Community Resolution or Conditional Caution (for an eligible offence) from Sussex Police, she may be referred to Care not Custody.

To go ahead the woman needs to admit responsibility and then agree to participate in the Care not Custody Diversion scheme. Together we can assess the woman’s situation, help to address a range of practical and emotional needs, and look to access support.

Care not Custody is a pilot intervention service in partnership with Sussex Police and Probation, and is funded by the Ministry of Justice.

The Care not Custody project sits within BWC’s Inspire Service

Funded by and working in partnership with:

ministry of justice logo
Sussex police logo