Donate 50th

As we turn 50, we really hoped not to be needed in 2024, but the reality is we are.

We’re helping more and more women every year and our services are under immense pressure to meet the demand. We urgently need to raise funds to meet the increasing demand so we can continue to help the women who need it most.

We work with a wide range of women with a wide range of needs.  

All of them have experienced trauma, with a very high number having experienced domestic violence either as a child or adult. 

Most of our work takes place in areas of high deprivation with women experiencing issues linked to, or heightened by, poverty. The complexity of their circumstances - such as overlapping mental and physical health concerns, history of trauma, insecure accommodation, substance misuse or involvement with the criminal justice system - can make it difficult for women to get the support they need. 

Whilst we’re still needed, we’ll still be here.

BWC has been providing holistic services in safe, accessible, women-only spaces across Sussex for the last 50 years and we’re helping more and more women every year. We've seen a 23% increase in demand for our services in the last year alone.

Our services are under immense pressure to meet the demand.

Your help is needed now, more than ever.

We rely on public funding to provide this VITAL support.

That’s why we need your help so we can continue to provide support with accommodation, health and well-being, finances, childcare and social connections through casework, drop-ins, outreach, group work, one-to-one support, referrals and signposting.

Donate today and let women know they are not alone.