My Story, My Life

One donation, twice the impact for women struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Brighton Women’s Centre helps self-identifying women in Sussex, from all backgrounds, facing all kinds of issues, to live happier lives.

Right now, we need to raise vital funds to ensure our low-cost Women's Counselling and Psychotherapy Service can continue to provide specialist support to those struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Without this service, sadly more women in desperate need of help may be at risk of taking their own lives.

"94% of the women referred to therapy are at high risk of suicide, self-harming behaviours and severe isolation. They need support and they need it now..."

Lisa Dando, Director

These might be the most socially excluded women across the county. They need 1:1 therapeutic support that they do not feel safe enough to access elsewhere.

If you, your daughter, your sister, your friend, any woman you know needs crisis support, the current wait for women's psychotherapy could be up to 21 months.

This is simply too long. 

We need to provide heavily subsidised support so that women at most risk, often on low incomes, can access it. Sadly, we cannot meet demand for our services right now.

Please donate today

Your donation will not only change a life, it could save one too...

Your support means we can offer 12 sessions of individual counselling or psychotherapy, from just £5...

Women's counselling and psychotherapy logo

Your support will help us to...

  • provide accessible and holistic support to give psychological, emotional and physical healing for women deemed too unwell or ‘too chaotic’ to be offered counselling from statutory, and non-statutory services.
  • reduce our current waiting times for sessions to begin so we can support each woman when she needs therapy and before she is in crisis.
  • improve our offer via Zoom, over the telephone and in person so we can support women outside of Brighton & Hove and across Sussex.

The Big Give

From 8-22 March 2022, we are being generously supported by The Big Give.

They will match any donations made to us during this time over on our Big Give page.

This means if you donate £20, we will receive £40, which will make such a difference to the women we can help.

Just use any of the donate buttons on this page to be taken to the Big Give donation page.

We are very grateful for your support. Thank you.
