Our History

The story of Brighton Women’s Centre is an amazing tale of tenacity, strength, commitment and, most of all … survival as it weathered many storms and encountered many highs and lows over the last 50 years.

The idea of a women’s centre in Brighton was conceived as early as 1969 during meetings of the Brighton Women’s Liberation group. During the late 1960s and 1970s, Brighton had a thriving community of women’s interest groups which came together to form Brighton Women’s Centre Committee (BWCC).

The Women’s Centre was formed in November 1974 by a collective of women who were determined to offer space where women could meet, on their own terms, to gain mutual support and overcome social isolation, and most importantly – feel safe.

“The centre will exist for women to meet together … where women can meet to discuss their problems in privacy”.

Penny Tuckett: Coordinator of the education group at the centre

In 2024, BWC is celebrating our 50th Birthday, making us one of the oldest women’s centres in the UK. Read about our 50 years of achievements.

With thanks to the countless women and everything they contributed to create the safe, women-only space that BWC has been for self-identifying women in Sussex over the last 50 years.

Our founders may never have dreamed we’d still be needed 50 years on. But whilst we’re still needed, we’ll be here. There are a variety of ways that you can get involved on the next stage of our journey including fundraising, volunteering and supporting our existing projects. Find out more here.