Musculoskeletal (MSK) Link Worker Project
A women-centred service in partnership with the Sussex MSK team for self-identifying women in Brighton and Hove, Crawley, Horsham & mid-Sussex CCG.
The MSK Link Worker Project runs in partnership with the NHS Musculoskeletal Team in Sussex. Our caseworker can provide up to ten 1-to-1 confidential sessions, offering emotional and practical support either remotely or within a safe, women-only space.
"A safe space to talk. I can speak in confidence and know I’m not being judged or that my personal information will be shared with others."
Service user
What casework offers
- someone to listen to you and understand what is going on in your life
- we support you to decide what you would like to change and how to make those changes
In your sessions you can receive support with:
- accommodation
- benefits, debt and budgeting
- relationships
- drug and/or alcohol use
- current and historic abuse or violence
- thoughts, feelings and habits
- understanding and filling forms
- finding work
- accessing training or college courses
- parenting
- child contact
- talking to other agencies and referrals into other support
How do I get support?
Referrals for Musculoskeletal Link Worker Project are made through the Sussex MSK Partnership.
Ask your clinician to contact us with your name, NHS number and preferred contact details. We will then call you for an informal chat about support at Brighton Women’s Centre and offer you an appointment.
You can also find information on where to find mental health support here.
For more information please contact:
Sara Hughes
Senior Practitioner
Tel: 07909 234 164
Download the MSK Link Worker Project leaflet here.