News & Events

BWC wins BrightonSoup vote for new computers

On 29th September, at the 11th BrightonSoup event, Stefanie Lake pitched for the Brighton Women’s Centre and won the vote receiving £383.30 in donations to buy ...
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BWC commits to paying Living Wage

Brighton Women’s Centre is a Living Wage employer, alongside 10,000 other UK businesses who believe that their teams deserve a salary that meets their daily needs. ...
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Report on re-offending behaviour after participation in the Brighton Women’s Centre

This analysis looked at the re-offending behaviour of 44 women who were supported by Brighton Women’s Centre’s Inspire programme after receiving a community sentence. The overall ...
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Exploring the value and impact of the Women’s Centre approach

A report has been developed as a resource for Women’s Centres, to support their conversations with commissioners at a local and regional level. It is intended ...
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A Reflection of 40 Years of BWC

The idea of a Women's Centre in Brighton was conceived as early as 1969 during meetings of the Brighton Women's Liberation group. During the late 1960s ...
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A Tribute to Shelia McWattie

Sheila McWattie was a treasured member of the BWC volunteer team who did a huge amount to support, raise the profile of the organisation and make ...
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Brighton Pride Women’s Performance Tent

On Saturday 5th August 2006, we hosted the Brighton Pride Women's Performance Tent at Preston Park. We would like to thank Brighton Pride and Brighton & ...
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The launch of a new centre

It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of our new centre! Following our relocation from our centre of twelve years, Brighthelm Community Centre, ...
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